Want a better relationship with your MIL?Â
You're in the right place.
Welcome friend.
JOIN THE COURSE ALONE NOW!I completely get it..
You have tried for so long to please her. You keep doing more and more, and she is still never pleased. You wonder, “what have I done wrong?”
You dread interactions with her. Anytime you are due to see her, you notice you’re more anxious beforehand. You argue with your partner. You may be a bit snappier with your kids.
You worry about the next time you’ll see her or speak to her. You remember the last time you saw her when things were awkward. You remember the last time there were passive aggressive comments. You remember the last time there was an argument.
You hate going to events she’ll be at, but you tell yourself, “I have to go. What will the family think?”
When you’re there, you’d rather be anywhere else in the world. You look forward to when it is over and you can just go home.
You want your partner to help you more. You want some support. You want them to hear you and be on your side.
You just want her to stop being so rude or so cold. You want her to treat you like a normal human. You wonder why she treats you the way she does. You think about all the things you have said to her and feel guilty for a bit, but then get angry that she treats you the way she does.
I get it. I really do.
But my friend, you can’t change her.
You have tried for so long and it hasn’t worked.
The only way to feel differently around her is for you to change.
You are not changing for anyone else, you are changing so that YOU feel better.
You just want to be able to relax around her.
You want the family to be closer.
You want to be able to be unaffected by the comments she makes.
You want to be able to have a conversation with her without feeling anxious or annoyed.
You want to start fresh and let bygones be bygones.
You want your children to enjoy their grandmother.
You want to have a closer relationship with your partner and not be stressed out about the MIL.
You just want freedom from all of the stress and drama.
It is possible for you my friend.
I’ve got you! You’re in the right place.
By the end of this programme, you will...

Learn how to stop people pleasing her
So that you can be your true self, say and do what you really mean, from a place of love and honesty. We learn to people please as children as it ensures our safety. It just isn't useful here.

Create loving boundaries
So that MIL can show up as her, but you are clear the actions you will take to protect your emotional and physical space, so that you can show up as the real you.

Learn how to allow your emotions
Instead of reacting to them (shouting, giving her the silent treatment) resisting them (pushing them away which makes them stronger), or avoiding them (by overeating, overdrinking, overworking)

Learn how to stabilise your nervous system in any situation
So that when you feel triggered by something she has said or done, you can notice your stress response (fight, flight, freeze or fawn) and use the somatic tools I teach to feel calmer.

Learn how to retell the story of the past (even if it is really triggering)
The past is where there is so much pain. When you can look at the facts and tell the story in a slightly different way, you feel much better and show up in a kinder, more loving way (for you).

Become aware of and learn how to tweak your thoughts
Your thoughts create your results and they are in your control. Once you know what thoughts you're thinking, you can tweak them to feel better, take better actions and create phenomenal results.
You will learn how to integrate the most up to date, scientific information on the neuroscience and psychology of human relationships. You will use the combination of mind management and nervous system regulation tools to feel better in your relationship with your MIL.
I would LOVE to improve my relationship with my MIL!What’s Inside - How to improve your relationship with your MIL without her changing
You will learn all about the human brain, the human nervous system and how to manage your mind.
- Understanding the human brain
- The Self Coaching Model
- How to feel your emotions
- Nervous system regulation tools
- Worthiness
- How to get the most out of the programme
- Top emotions for success

Weeks 1-6
You will learn all about these topics:
- Finding your whys
- Impact and creating a better future
- Expectations
- Boundaries
- People pleasing
- Acceptance of what is
Weeks 7-12
You will learn how to:
- Rewrite the past
- 3 specific tools to use
- 3 further tools to use
- How to deal with specific scenarios
- Connection
- Next steps

What's the investment?
How to get on with your MIL without her changing Course (lifetime access during the lifetime of the programme) - ÂŁ5000 ValueÂ
But when you enrol, you’ll get access to everything for £997

Who would have thought I could get on with my MIL and actually enjoy my time with her.
I lived with my MIL and let me tell you, it was intense! She was snapping at me and I thought she was always expecting me to do things her way.
I felt suffocated and didn't feel calm in my own home. I'd stay longer at work to avoid coming home.
I couldn't even parent my son the way I wanted to because I always felt my MIL would override me with her opinion.
Until I met Amruti..
Honestly speaking, I had no idea what I was thinking. I had no idea the power of choosing a slightly different thought.
After coaching with Amruti for only 12 weeks, my relationship with my MIL was totally different. I wasn't dreading coming home and was able to involve her in my life and not feel stressed in her presence. To be honest, my MIL is kind of cool.
Thank you so much Amruti for all that you did for my family and I.
I am forever grateful.
Mrs SP

Working with Amruti completely changed my life! I felt like an outsider for so many years since I had been married. I felt like I wasn't welcome, I would get more and more distant and this was really hard when I became pregnant and my husband's family wanted to be involved. It brought up so much for me and I was really struggling.
Working with Amruti for just a few sessions made me realise the impact I actually had on my outcome. It wasn't out of my control. I wasn't helpless. I was actually the person who decided how I wanted to interpret everything. How I wanted to feel. What I wanted to do.
I was able to establish some boundaries with my MIL and went from hating every encounter to actually enjoying some time with her.
My son is now able to see his mum and his grandma getting on and I feel so grateful for doing this work, because now I honestly don't have to worry about it. It is a huge weight off my shoulders.
Thank you , thank you, thank you Amruti!!!
Mrs NR

I can’t wait for you to join us..
I remember when I was in the first year of my marriage. It was meant to be the best year of my life but I remember it being the most stressful year of my life. I would dread coming home, couldn't seem to please my MIL and felt miserable every single day. It was causing stress in my relationship with my husband, and in his relationship with his Mum. I tried to do more and more, and nothing worked. I would still feel anxious in her presence even several years on. I tried therapy, even that didn't help me. I used to use food to numb out some of these intense emotions I had.
Then, in 2020, I hired a life coach to help me with my weight loss. I knew life coaching helped with becoming aware of the thoughts I was thinking which impacted my results. But, I had not idea that life coaching for weight loss would help me improve my relationship with my MIL.
I realised the reason I was eating was to avoid the stress and anxiety I felt in my life, of which the main cause were my thoughts about my MIL. Notice how I said THOUGHTS about my MIL. It wasn't my MIL herself that was making me feel anxious, it was my THINKING.
When I was able to tweak my thinking, I was able to feel better, which made me act as the kind human I am, which created a very different relationship with her, my hubby and most importantly, myself.
I went from being really anxious around her, to feeling calm and connected in her presence.
And the best bit, she did not change at all. This was great news because I had been trying to change her for over 10 years and it hadn't worked.
This way, I lost 42kg in weight AND healed my relationship with my MIL (as well as improving my relationship with my hubby, becoming a calmer mother, starting a business), all by managing my mind and learning how to feel my emotions.
My whole life had transformed in a short amount of time. I decided to become a life coach to teach these tools. Since then, I have undergone several deep trainings and certifications to improve my life coaching and body regulation skills, as these in combination, were the secret sauce in my journey.
I started off as a general life coach, then started coaching mainly on weight loss, focussing on the mind management of weight loss. Even when coaching on weight loss, the topic that came up the most was getting on with your MIL.
So I have created the How to get on with your MIL without her changing Course combining all these things:
- My 10 years of experience as a Medical Doctor and my Psychology Degree, using the most up to date, scientific data on the neuroscience and psychology of human relationships.
- My personal experience being a high achieving, independent South Asian woman who struggled to get with her mother in law due to differences in languages, cultures and traditions. I know exactly what doesn't work. I have been there and I get it.
- The transformational life coaching tools acquired over 3 coaching certifications to help you become aware of your brain, accept how you are currently feeling, feel your emotions, redirect your brain to more useful thoughts which feel better and create the result of improving your relationship with your MIL without her changing.
This is the perfect place for you if you are ready to feel better around your MIL.
I have created this programme for you as I wish this programme existed when I was struggling. I created the programme I wish I had, so you don't have to go through it alone.
I can help you..
You are ready.
Let's do this!